Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Final Thoughts on our 2011 Burning Man Experience

For those of you who are not familiar with Burning Man it is a one week adventure in the Black Rock desert of Nevada.  This year was its 25th anniversary and for the first time in the event's history tickets were sold out, somewhere around 53,000.  A month before people show up the Burning Man organization and a huge contingent of volunteers go to the desert and build Black Rock City.  Like any city there are numerous departments like fire, medical, police, etc., with names such as DPW (Department of Public Works), DMV (Department of Mutant Vehicles).   People who attend Burning Man must show up with their own shelter, food, and water.  It is a hot, dry, and dusty environment and a physical and mental challenge to survive.  Burning Man is a commerce free environment- a gifting community.  The only thing you can buy is coffee and ice.  Given the environment preparation is critical. You have to force yourself to drink fluids and electrolytes or you can count on becoming dehydrated.  Consequently, with that much water and electrolytes intake you end up going to the porta-potties at least every hour. It sort of became a joke about how much time you spend at the porta-potties.  The dust is everywhere and unavoidable.  It is very fine like talcum powder.   Baby wipes are essential for removal.
This was our second time to attend Burning Man so the audio-visual shock we encountered when we arrived  was not as extreme as last time.  When you enter the gates you are usually greeted by people dressed up in costumes and clothing that you have never seen in your life.  It is like you are entering some sort of science fiction movie.  So between dealing with the extreme harsh environment and the extreme audio-visual stimuli it takes a couple of days to adjust to your surroundings.  When you first arrive you have to go the area you have decided on to set up your camp.  Last time we came to Burning Man we came in a RV.  This time we built special fabric structures to sleep in and cook in and of course the all important shade structure.  We brought an outdoor shower and evaporation pond to get minimal showers.  Burning Man is a leave no trace event so you cannot dump any water or trash on the playa (desert surface).

At night Burning Man comes alive. There are no street lights or any source of light to illuminate the city so every person and moving vehicle is lit up like a Christmas tree.  Those that are not are referred to as “darkwads” and run the risk of being accidentally run over in the dark.  There are only three ways to get around Burning Man.  You walk, ride a bike, or ride on a Mutant Vehicle.  The Mutant Vehicles are some sort of vehicle that has been highly mutated to resemble another form like an animal, space craft or whatever the person building it can imagine.  Out on the open playa where the Man and the Temple have been erected there are a huge number of individual art structures. All of this art is lit up at night.  It is an unbelievable spectacle out on the playa at night. There is nothing like it in the world.

Most people are in costumes of some sort and clothes are optional at BM so that adds to visual excitement. The men try not to be too obvious about looking at the topless girls and the girls try not to be too obvious about checking out the naked men. There is loud music 24/7. Techno music prevails so if you hope to sleep at night ear plugs are a must.  Saturday night is the night the Man burns.  All 50,000 plus people gather around the Man and an incredible fireworks show starts the burn off.  The energy level is extremely high on burn night.  Sunday night the Temple burns.  It tends to be a more somber event.  Monday is the last day and the mass exodus starts on Sunday and Monday.

Looking back Sara and I realize that Burning Man is not only a test of your ability to deal with a harsh environment but an opportunity to take part in a truly unique fascinating experience like none other in the world.  Both times we have gone have changed our perspective on life.  For one week in the desert there is no Internet, no phones, no TV, no world news and no politics; just the dust, heat, great friends, the biggest party in the world, and memories that will last a lifetime.  Will we go back? Maybe but we have to finish cleaning up all the dust in our stuff first.  
Here are a few burner comments and statements we got a kick out of:
“I’ve lost my bike and friends but it sure is pretty over there" – From a burner who walked up to us Friday night – he wondered off into the night.
“Forecast- Dusty" - Written on one of the porta-potties.
"Sorry- we're open" - A sign on one of the music theme camps.
“I’m already against the next war"  - A bumper sticker on a burner's car
"Forget the mistake, remember the lesson" - Written on a porta-potty wall.
“John, what time is it?” – Asked by everyone who refused to wear their watches for the event.
“Days since last injury – 0” – Next to the Thunderdome, a large structure similar to Mad Max and the Thunderdome “

Here are two photo albums:

Monday, September 5, 2011

Heading Home

Had an epic time at Burning Man!  We've determine the event is a true survival experience combined with an art festival, we are pretty beat up, with minds full of the amazing sights we saw.  Left yesterday and stayed in a hotel last night, can't tell you how good the shower felt, and how well we slept!  The techo music plays 24 hours in Black Rock City, it was so quiet last night for a change!  We are now headed to Moab for a few nights of camping.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Almost There

Made it to Fernley, NV, just 90 miles from the gate of Burning Man. Uneventful two day 950 mile drive, saw lots of other burners on the road, and at the gas stations.  We are spending the night in a motel finishing up camera prep, costume sewing and water top-up, all normal tasks before any vacation!  We plan to get up early tomorrow and head north to the playa.  Once we get there we need to find where our friends have camped and get our own campsite setup.  Then nothing but fun for six days. We will post later when the fun has finished and we leave the desert!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Burning Man 2011

Today we leave Colorado for our second trip to Burning Man.  This years theme is Rites of Passage, and as usual we have been preparing for months.  Joining us on this adventure is Phil Huff and Jim and Judith O'Toole. We have all the necessary food, water, and shelter required to survive in the desert for a week.  Probably too much stuff, but in true Radical Self Reliance form we don't want to be a burden on the community.

Since our first event was in 2009 we are calling this is Burning Man 2.0.  We at least know what to expect, and are excited to experience Black Rock City again.  This time we have more costumes so we can participate in the Radical Self Expression principle!   We also want to try and see more of the city and theme camps than last time,.  

For those of you who need a recap of Burning Man, check out our 2009 postings:

We are taking an easier approach of no RV, since getting the RV prepared and out to the Playa about killed us last time.  Stay tuned as to how camping in the dust works for us!  Phil, John and I are convoying from Summit Country today, and anticipate arriving at the Playa Tuesday morning.   Jim and Judith are joining us Wednesday, hopefully we can all find each other in a city of 50,000.

We will send updates when possible, probably some during our 1,000 mile drive west, which is an adventure  in itself.  Doubtful we will have Internet access once we get to the Playa, but with Burning Man you never know.

The Man burns in 6 days!